Thursday, March 18, 2010

Flip that house?

With the new changes in guidelines of sellers needing to own a property for 90 days before FHA will finance has investors looking to get back to the days of flipping rather than holding. Flipping is always attractive because of the quick income. HGTV made numerous shows based on people buying, renovating, and selling homes for a profit!!! I've represented numerous investors who buy beat up homes, make them beautiful, and they re-sell them at a tidy profit--preferrably within 2-4 months. I posted the most recent flip here done in Washington Park on a duplex-- we're in negotiations to buy another on the same street. But knowing how to use the right contractors and lose your shirt is an art within itself! You can eat into most if not all of your profits if you are not careful!!!

Buying and holding was always my personal preference for the tax write off, but not everyone is cut out to be a landlord! Even with property management companies in place, not buying the right home at the right price can cause you to hemmorage money monthly. But in this market, there are alot of unsaleable homes being leased and with the interest rates low, fair market rent is in the toilet! So you may get a good rental property, but you'll need to get it at a GREAT price to compensate for the rents that you'll be able to reasonably collect.

The same pitfalls of flipping from years past are still the same. A nationwide change is that now if you're financing an investment property you're going to need a minimum of 20-25% to put down. Gone are the days of 100% non-owner occupied properties!!! The big change in the Metro Atlanta area is theivery of the copper plumbing, light fixtures, appliances, and the infamous A/C units!!! Even when caged these units can be stripped for the interior metals or some theives just remove the cage!!! I honestly think rouge contractors are stealing these as there is no why the 'common theif' has the tools to pull this off! Vandalism is at a fever pitch on vacant homes. My listing in 30314 has a VPS system installed to deter anyone even thinking of getting in this house!
I'd definitely recommend buying and holding for novice investors, because it allows you time to heal your wounds if you over pay or under estimate costs of repairs. In this market it's hard to overpay but it happens everyday!!!

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